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Picture of two teachers holding a banner that says "Stop the Attacks"

Stop the Attacks on Teachers. Arizona Deserves Better!

Stop the Attacks on Teachers. Arizona Deserves Better!
Most Arizonans agree: regardless of who they are or where they live, all kids deserve a great education, one that instills in them a lifelong love of learning and prepares them for the future. But that vision is hard to fulfill when schools simply cannot retain qualified educators due to low pay, inadequately funded classrooms and a lack of respect. Our state legislature needs to stop the constant attacks on teachers and focus on bringing resources into our schools.
As educators, we teach our students to be respectful to one another. Now, we’re asking our state legislature to show that same respect to us. Stop the attacks. Talk with us, visit our classrooms, and work with us to get the resources that our colleagues and students need to thrive.
Quote by: Marisol Garcia, AEA President

A Prison Sentence for Recommending a Classic Book?!

Far too many Arizona legislators have forgotten who they are meant to serve. They want to earn fawning attention from far-right media figures and their social media audience. To get it, they've been attacking teachers and our public schools, ignoring the outcry from parents and communities. Take SB1323. This bill wouldn't just ban teachers from recommending classic books like The Great Gatsby -- it would send them to prison for doing so. Seriously?! And SB1323 is one of more than a dozen anti-educator bills pushed forward this legislative session alone. In the face of low wages, underfunded schools and constant attacks, it's no wonder that Arizona educators are leaving the profession and the state in droves. Please tell your lawmakers to stop the ridiculous attacks and focus instead on providing the support and resources needed for students to learn and grow.

Join us in taking action

Send your state legislators an email now and ask them to support a permanent fix to the school funding cap, along with competitive salaries for educators, school building repair, student mental health support, and full-day kindergarten.