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A micro-credential is a short, competency-based recognition. NEA offers over 175 micro-credentials that have been created by educators for educators.
Micro Credential hero

If you’re reading this, it means you’re interested in taking steps to improve your practice as an educator and create better outcomes for your students. Congratulations! Your commitment to lifelong professional learning is essential in helping NEA fulfill its mission to provide a great public education for every student.

Unfortunately, not all educators have access to the professional development support they need. That’s why NEA & AEA created Micro-credentials—to make it easy for all educators to access professional learning opportunities throughout our careers.

What’s a Micro-Credential? 

A micro-credential is a short, competency-based recognition that allows an educator to demonstrate mastery in a particular area. NEA micro-credentials are grounded in research and best practice and designed to be: 

  • Personalized: You can create your own learning journey, based on your interests and career goals; gaps in your skills; and the specific needs of your students, school, and district. 
  • Flexible: You can study when it’s convenient for you, alone or with your peers. 
  • Performance-based: Unlike “sit-and-get” certifications, NEA micro-credentials are awarded based on demonstrated mastery of the subject matter, not just for showing up. 

How Do Micro-Credentials Work? 

Micro-credentials are flexible. You can choose to learn on your own, or join a learning community and support each other through the process. The process is rigorous, so working with a group can help you earn your micro-credential sooner. 

Ready to get started? Here's how it works, at a glance:

  • Go to to get started. 
  • Select a skill you have developed or would like to develop. 
  • Collect the required evidence demonstrating your competence in the selected area.  
  • Submit by uploading your evidence.   
  • Share your achievement with others!

NEA Micro-Credentials Program: Mastering New Skills to Help Students Succeed

Watch this video to learn about the benefits of using micro-credentials and how members can join professional learning communities to earn micro-credentials to demonstrate their mastery of a new skill.

Partnership with Digital Promise

NEA works in close partnership with Digital Promise on micro-credential development. Digital Promise has built an ecosystem of more than 400 micro-credentials covering a wide variety of topics and skills to personalize learning for educators. To learn more, visit


Keeping the Promise of Quality Public Education

With more than 20,000 members, the Arizona Education Association (AEA) is the labor union for public school employees in Arizona. AEA members are teachers, community college professors, counselors, speech pathologists, bus drivers, secretaries, retired educators and student teachers and they belong to more than 150 local affiliates across Arizona.