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Our students and educators have dealt with decades of neglect and underfunding from the State, which is why we took the issue of education funding to the people for a vote. Passing the Invest in Education Act in 2020 was the culmination of years of organizing efforts. Despite the need for school funding and the support of voters, those in power are still trying to stop these funds through lawsuits and legislation. We will continue to fight because we know our students are worth the effort.

Invest in Arizona Coalition Turns in 340,000 Signatures

Halting Ducey’s Efforts to Undercut INVESTinED and His Gift to the Wealthy at the Expense of Schools

Even during a pandemic where teachers and staff were going above and beyond every day to educate our students, Governor Ducey did not hesitate in doing everything possible to keep teacher pay low and their classrooms starved for resources. The word unprecedented is used too often and far too casually to describe daily events and actions. However, this is truly an unprecedented moment. By collecting approximately 340,000 signatures in 90 days to refer Governor Ducey’s tax cuts back to the voters, the Invest in Arizona Coalition has proven once again that the public favors education funding over tax cuts for the wealthy. In fact, education defenders have now gathered over 1,000,000 signatures since 2018 to stop the Governor’s unrelenting attacks on public education and related services.

“Today’s filing of the referendums on Senate Bill 1828 and 1783 is an effort to stop yet another one of the Governor’s reckless, desperate attempts to hand out money to the ultra-wealthy with complete disregard for the will of Arizona voters or the impact on our state’s education system, and therefore its future economy. Extremely similar policies like this have already been tried in other states and have failed with devastating economic effects. But those consequences are clearly of little concern to a Governor and Legislative Majority who have abdicated that responsibility,” said Joe Thomas, Arizona Education Association President at a press conference held at the Capitol on September 28, 2021.

“Invest in Arizona is important because it is our responsibility as educators and community members to show students that anything is possible. That even when it gets hard and you get knocked down, you stand back up, and you keep on going. Then your possibilities become realities. Today we celebrate our success. Today we start working to making these possibilities a reality for our students, our schools, and our communities,” said NEA Board Member for Arizona and Deer Valley Education Association Vice President Kelley Fisher.

Invest in Arizona coalition volunteers have been working since early July, when the 90 day window for signature collection officially opened, to collect the 118,823 valid signatures required, per referral, to force a halt to the implementation of Senate Bills 1828 and 1783. Should the signatures receive official certification by the Secretary of State, SBs 1828 and 1783 will then be referred as a question that will appear on the November 2022 ballot.

To learn more about the Invest in Arizona Coalition and the Referendums’ campaign, go to


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